geometric progression
- n.等比数列;几何数列

The geometric progression ratio of science and technology
Calculation of consolidation coefficient with a geometric progression method
The amount of information is increasing in a geometric progression in the 21st century .
The geometric progression technique and three dimension arc length technique are combined to form a new method .
On a Problem of Summing a Kind of Higher - Order Arithmetic - Geometric Progression
With the rapid development of China 's socio-economic , economic statistical data and statistical information grow by geometric progression .
In modern society , knowledge , new and hi-tech total quantity , and the modern information technology is geometric progression growth .
With the advancement of our society and the development of science and research , knowledge has been in geometric progression growth .
As the field of computer is larger and larger , the number of computer software is growing in geometric progression .
Due to the development of remote sensing and sensing technique at very fast speed , image data obtained become the geometric progression growth .
Howard : Based on the geometric progression , his relationship with Stephanie should have ended after 20 minutes .
The paper describes three determination methods of alpha activity ratio used at our laboratory , namely geometric progression method , extrapolation method and curve fitting method .
The resources of the Internet are increasing in the speed of geometric progression . However , these information resources are connected to their own host machines .
With the scale , complexity and density of integrated circuit growing in geometric progression ; the test of an IC becomes more and more difficulty .
With the development of computer network technology , the amount of data Increases rapidly in geometric progression . The rapid growth in the amount of data presents a challenge to the computer industry .
Secondly , an improved algorithm for finite difference equation is studied . According to the property of electromagnetic migration field , the algorithm is designed by means of grids varying with geometric progression in the longitudinal direction .
The reproduction coefficient for the fast propagation with cut test-tube plantlets was 5 n , the reproduction speed increased at a geometric progression and large-scale seedlings could be multiplied in a short time .
With the development of science and technology , we have come into an informatization society , which information is increased as geometric progression . It is impendence that how to search effectively information for satisfying people 's needs for information .
As we all know , mankind 's ability to create wealth had been promoted at the speed of geometric progression , due to the invention of steam engine and computer and the utilization of steels and improved varieties .
According to principles of economy , the seepage control effectiveness of canals which is studied under static and dynamic conditions and with arithmetic and geometric progression of seepage control performance to time as well as with no change seepage control performance to time is studied .
The main difficulty is that the gradient vector for the cost function with respect to the design variables is hard to evaluate in the optimization method based on gradient algorithm , the costs of computation increase by geometric progression by the dimension of the design variables .
With the development of the storage and application technology of the database , enterprise data generated during operation is also to increase in geometric progression . This would require massive amounts of data to get to meet the specific needs of data to provide decision support for enterprise managers .